The Sinai Transition

The Sinai Transition

I have been repeatedly asked in different ways on different topics – Where does [X, Y & Z] fit in with the Melkizedeq Book of the Covenant setting since there were instructions to [build, make or observe] given after the Covenant blood ratification & meal but before the Ex.32 breach of the golden calf that brought the Levitical Priesthood and its added laws?

This is a fair, thoughtful and logical question; one that must be asked; one that must be systematically answered – I have included all of these answers in several replies and in various articles but never as an article unto itself.

This period of time Between Ex.24:12 and Ex.32:1 and following turns out to be transitional because of the Melchizedek Covenant breach and includes many issues – Tabernacle, Tabernacle items, Ark of the Covenant, Aaron and Sons to be and lead a Melchizedek Priesthood – but became and lead a Levitical Priesthood instead (Num.3:12; 8:15-17), Issues that included the Priests to *eat* the Atonement, Vestiges for only Aaron and Sons commandeered by the Jews to legitimize the wearing of kippah’s, instating of Rabbis, etc.

The first thing we have to understand – The setting of the Exodus Book of the Covenant (Ex.19:5-24:8) was the last time Moses ever saw a Melchizedek Israel keeping the Melchizedek Covenant. For after promising to keep the Covenant – Moses goes up the Mountain – 40 days later Israel makes the Golden Calf (Ex.32); breaks the Covenant, defiles themselves and is no longer eligible (Ex.19:5-6) to be that Melchizedek Priesthood (this included Aaron and his sons). So – Moses started up with a Melchizedek intent -but- came down to a Levitical reality (Num.3:12; 8:13-17). This ineligibility reigned for the next 15 centuries in the form of the Levitical Priesthood till Yahshua’s death and resurrection, – releasing Him (Rom.7:1/Gal.4:4) from the law  (Levitical Law Heb.7:11-15) to be – the Melchizedek High Priest (Heb.2:17; 3:1; 4:14-15; 5:5, 10; 6:20; 7:26; 8:1; 9:11; 10:21).

To make my point – I must ask the question; ‘in Hebrew thought, when does life begin? – at Birth or Conception?’ Conception – right? Ex.24:12 is the conception point of the ‘Law’ (post-covenant Ex.24:7-8) that brought the Levitical Priesthood that the people had no idea about until Moses came down the mountain, but by then they had already breached the Covenant with the Golden Calf (Ex.32), and were now under the Levitical priesthood provision. Israel no longer would be; because of their own covenant breach, a nation **of** (Melchizedek) priests (Ex.19:5-6); They would now (post covenant breach) be a nation **with** Levite priests (Inclusive of Aaron and Sons – Ex.40:13-15/Num.3:12/8:16-19) – the Levitical Priesthood was born.

The setting of the Exodus Book of the Covenant (Ex.19:5-24:8) was the last time Moses ever saw a Melchizedek Israel keeping the Melchizedek Covenant (Yahweh’s Plan ‘A’). For after promising to keep the Covenant – Moses goes up the Mountain – 40 days later Israel makes the Golden Calf (Ex.32); breaks the Covenant, defiles themselves and is no longer eligible to be that ‘Firstborn’ Melchizedek Priesthood (including Aaron and his sons). So – Moses started up Mt. Sinai with a Melchizedek intent -but- came down to a Levitical reality (Num.3:12). This ineligibility reigned for the next 15 centuries in the form of the Levitical Priesthood (and the category of Levitical Law Heb.7:11-15) till Yahshua’s death and resurrection, – releasing Him (Rom.7:1/Gal.4:4) from the Levitical law of Torah that no-one but a Levite could be Priest (and other issues as well) to be – the Melchizedek High Priest (Heb.2:17; 3:1; 4:14-15; 5:5, 10; 6:20; 7:26; 8:1; 9:11; 10:21). See the book – Back to the Melchizedek Future

Num 3:12 And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel **instead** of all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among the children of Israel: therefore the Levites shall be mine;

**instead** a ‘change’ in Torah – **until** (Gen.49:10) an awareness of coming ‘change’ in Torah – Jos.5:5 evidences an unannounced ‘change’ in Torah (Ezk.20:24-25, Heb.7:11-12, 2Cor.3:11, etc.) evidences and confirms the ‘change’ in Torah.

Now put on your thinking caps; What gave YHWH the right to change the Covenant? What gave YHWH the right to change the deal? What could have happened so bad as to implement this ‘Change’?

It was Israel’s Covenant Break disobedience of Ex.32. YHWH’s 1st choice to punish Israel’s breach was to wipe them all out! Annihilate ALL Israel and start over with Moses (Ex.32:10). This included Aaron (who made the Gold Calf then lied about it) AND his son’s. What in All of Torah could be worse?

They ALL (except Moses) lost their Melkizedeq standing – They All almost lost their lives – They All were remanded to a Levitical Priesthood – A huge difference in being a nation ‘of’ priests and a nation ‘with’ priests.

There would be other Levitical concessions, additions (Gal.3:19) & so-named Covenants (not a covenant/s of ‘promise’ – Eph.2:12) that followed starting with Ex.34 but these would all be under Yah’s Plan ‘B’ breach patch Levitical Priesthood; which was ‘glorious’ – certainly much better than complete annihilation (Ex.32:10).
See the book – The Covenants of Promise.


2Cor 3:11 For if that which is done away was glorious, much more that which remaineth is glorious. (Note there is a positive & a negative side of ‘remain’ and even a side that was never involved both Jewish and Christian) – See;

Remain +&-

YHWH does have to keep His Word (even the parts we are not aware of – that’s why we can trust Him) – BUT – He does Not have to honor a broken Covenant – Especially 1 that came with a ‘prepackaged’ agreed to proviso (Ex.19:5-6) in the word ‘if’.

The foregoing are excerpts on this topic – I hope this completely answers this question



on Eddie Chumney’s Family via Hebrew Nation

We are very sad to report that the bodies of Doyle and Lillian Chumney have been found. Please pray for our beloved Eddie Chumney and his family as they go through this very difficult time. We will keep you posted to updates, if any.

Please Pray for peace, calm, and assurance of Yah’s hand and justice for the family of Eddie Chumney